Sharing [Her Perspective] with Erica Dias
Name: Erica Dias
Age: 33
Title: Author of Faith It Until You Make It and Publicist at The B Firm PR
Where you can find me: @TheBFirmPR, @Fashion101ed
What Challenges You as Christian Millennial Woman? My challenges me in my singleness is to still trust that there are still good men of faith out there, who are actually faithful. I am on a journey of discovering more about myself as a woman of faith. Trusting others has always been something that I've been working on.
In Reflection, Describe a Moment in Life When You Realized, "Wow, God is Real"? I remember God giving me the signs that told me not to move to NYC, and I did against his will. I remember God taking away my ability to really speak. I remember being in rooms where people were asking me questions and I couldn't even respond past saying "yes" "no" or the face nod. I use to pride myself on being able to sell myself in a conversation but God let me know who was really in control. He gave me just enough conversation to ask my grandmother to send me a ticket to come home. I became very depressed and would sleep all day.
I remember one day getting on my knees, crying to god, telling him how sorry that I was for disobeying him. I told him that I needed him and I couldn't do this thing called life without him. I asked him to forgive me, and asked if he would please give me my vocabulary back and guide me. I told him that I would follow his lead.
God is a forgiving God, and he forgave me that day for everything and slowly but surely I started being able to talk again and life became more sunny for me... I had to let go and let God.
What steps and scripture helps you to move past this challenge in life?
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the LOVE of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
- Romans 8 : 38 -39